Moving House. What should you ask your sellers?


When you move there are so many questions to ask just before you do. Sometimes we can forget the simplest of questions. When is dustbin day, where are the keys to the back door? The list can be endless. Here are our top tips.

Top questions to ask your sellers

  • What day are the bins collected? Do we have a green bin and what are the rules?
  • Where is the main stopcock to shut off the water in the house?
  • Which company supplies the energy, broadband and home phone?
  • Where are the gas and electricity meters?
  • Do you have any spare keys for the house?
  • Did you have any special home insurance requests we should look out for?
  • How do I clean the wooden floors? Do you have any top tips?
  • Do you have any instructions, warranties or manuals on electrical, gas, wood items for the house. ie: woodworm warranties?
  • Do you have left over tins of paint for the house that are the same colour as the walls?
  • Where did the kitchen and bathroom tiles come from? I may want to add to the tiles in the house. Do you have any spares?
  • Where is the thermostat? How does it work? Is it on an app that I need to know about?


It is always important to clean your house before you leave. Don’t forget how you would feel if you moved into a house that hadn’t been cleaned before you got there. You can check out our top tips for what to take and what to leave.  

Book your no obligation quote today or call us on 01495 774186