In light of the latest news from the government and easing of the lockdown, at Clarks of Amersham we will be resuming our activities from 18th May 2020.


We will be taking a cautious approach and will use all appropriate measures to mitigate the spread of the virus. However, we do need to ask you for your help in this as well.

When we carry out a survey visit we request that you:

  • Make sure no one is present who has been exposed to the virus in the past seven days.
  • Make sure no one in a high-risk category is present.
  • Limit the number of people present in your home, if possible to one person.
  • Wear a face mask.
  • Maintain social distancing (2m apart).
  • Ensure no pets are free to roam the house.
  • Wherever practical open windows and doors.

Remember when moving always try to use a removal company who is part of the BAR (British Association of Removers). This will ensure that you will know that you are using a reputable, professional and financially protected remover. Click here to find out more.

If you have any questions or concerns about your survey or up-coming move please call us in the office 01494 774186 or email us at You can also contact us on social media. FacebookLinkedIN or Instagram.